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Mr. Wang Yue, academician of Beijing Institute of Technology, donated millions to support undergraduate basic education

  June 17, 2019,Beijing Institute of Technology held a donation ceremony,Wang Yue, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and former president of the Beijing Institute of Technology, donated his million yuan prize to the university,For the establishment of "Shuangyue" teaching innovation award fund,It is used to support the teaching reform of basic courses and specialized basic courses in schools,To improve the teaching quality of basic courses,Help students build solid basic skills。It attracted widespread attention on social media。

  [Chinese Science Journal] Million prize for academicians of the two chambers to support basic courses

  Wang Yue, academician of the two Academies, donated millions to support undergraduate basic education

  [Beijing Daily client] The 87-year-old academician of the two houses still sticks to the front line platform today he also donated one million

  [China Youth Network] Academician Wang Yue donated millions to establish the "Double Yue" teaching Innovation Award to support undergraduate education

  [China Youth Daily Client] Wang Yue, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, donated a million bonus to support undergraduate basic education

  [Beijing Headlines] Wang Yue, academician of the Beijing Institute of Technology, donated one million yuan to set up the "Double Yue" teaching Innovation Award

  [Voice of Academician] Wang Yue, 87 years old, donated 1 million prize money



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